Thursday, December 21, 2006

Back to Brighton 12/21

Conditions: packed powder
Weather: twenties, sunny
Gear: K2 Recon Riser snowboard

Today I made it back to Brighton for the first time since opening day. There were a lot fewer people there (go figure!) and so it was pretty nice. The snow has definitely improved -- that last storm really helped.

I spent most of my day riding off Snake Creek and Great Western. There is some really great terrain off both those lifts. The groomers were nice but the stuff in the trees was the best. Runs like Lone Star and Thor are really fun.

(Top of Great Western; Timpanogos and American Fork in the background.)

My pet-peeve-of-the-day: people who smoke on the lift! I'm pretty sure it's not allowed to begin with, but don't invited yourself to ride up with someone else, then light up! Rude!

I hear we may get a little snow tomorrow. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

'til next time,
- Jeff

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