Friday, December 30, 2005


So, a few months ago a heard a sound up on the roof. I assumed it was a bird hopping around up there and didn't pay much attention. Unfortunately, the noises continued on and off for a while, but I didn't figure there was much I could do.

A few weeks later, I heard the sounds again, but they were clearly coming from above the kitchen. I figured I had a mouse and went off to the store to buy a few traps.

How hard can it be to catch a mouse? I baited two of the traps with some cheese, set the trap in the crawlspace above the kitchen, and waited.

Next day I crawled up to check the traps. The first trap was sprung, cheese gone, but no mouse. The second trap was GONE. No sign of it. No mouse. Nothing. The little sucker stole my trap!

Not one to give up that easily, I set two more traps that night, this time baited with peanut butter. I hear they like that better ....

Next day, I went to check the traps again. This time they were both gone! *$&#^$ But I noticed two pine cones up there. That shoulda been a pretty good clue, but I didn't figure it out until a few days later.

Later that week I looked out the window and saw a squirrel sitting on porch chewing on a pine cone!

To make a long story a little shorter, I made a visit yesterday to Summit County Animal Control. For a small deposit, they loaned my a little trap. I baited it with some peanut butter and set it out on the porch. I woke up this morning to a very agitated squirrel. The good folks from Animal Control came today to take him away and release him to a much better home - far, far away from my attic! At least I'll be a little less agitated in the mornings now!

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