Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day Parade 7/4

The Fourth of July is always a fun day in Park City.

It starts with a 5k run at the Park City Mountain Resort. You can't believe how many people show up for a local race. It's a great time whether you're competing to win or just out for a jog.

Next up is the pancake breakfast at City Park. Great way to refuel after the race.

Then comes the military flyover. If that doesn't make you feel patriotic, I don't know what will.

(An old fire truck.)

Then comes the parade. It's pretty impressive for a little town. Lots of float but most with a pretty local feel. And tons and tons of spectators. It's really a fun day to be out on the town.

(Street luge.)

(That's *real* snow!!! In July!!!)

(Anyone need a beer?)

Finally, there's a BBQ and live music at City Park. This is a great place to go relax for a bit after the parade. Take a blanket and lay out with friends and just enjoy the day.

And, of course, there are fireworks later in the evening at Park City Mountain Resort.

If you ever get the chance, head up to Park City some year on the 4th of July. You'll enjoy it.

'til later,
- Jeff

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